Awami League UK leaders outside Tulip Siddiq's election campaign office on the first dayof the UK national election campaign. Dozens of UK AL leaders and activists without any connection to the constituency came to the office daily - whilst local labour members were absent
UK Awami League strategy meetings about supporting Tulip Siddiq campaign
November 5th
Awami League meeting including Sultan Mahmud Sharif (President);
"After being selected for the 3rd time as Labour Party candidate in the upcoming British election Bangabandhu’s Tulip Sidiqi and Mr Sultan Muhmmad Sharif, the Chairman of the UK Awami League, under the leadership of brother Misbah, the UK AL Trade and Industry Secretary discuss campaign strategy with the UK AL and the leaders of related groups."

"Brother Sultan Sharif, the respected president of the UK Awami League and here present the renowned leaders of the Awami League brother Abdul Ahad Chowdhury, brother Shah Shamim, brother Misbah Sadath, brother Tarek and the leadership of Matshajibi League and Shechashebak League are giving guidance and direction to the planning and subsequent work of the selection campaign of Tulip Siddiqi, the granddaughter of Bangabandhu"
(Matshajibi and Shechashebak Leagues are units of the AL. All the men mentioned are UK AL Activists/leaders.)
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"Yesterday evening Tulip Siddiq, the granddaughter of Bangabandhu, discussing her election campaign with the leaders of the UK Awami League."
Awami League UK organised campaigning outside the labour party election office
November 6th
AL UK outside Tulip Siddiq election campaign office including Syed Shazidur Rahman Faruk (general secretary); Anwaruzzaman Chowdhury (joint general secretary); ASM Misbah Sadath, (industry and commerce secretary); Shah Shamim Ahmed (office secretary); Bodruzzaman Shamim (vice-president, youth league); Fakhrul Islam Modhu (president, youth league); Jamal Khan (joint General Secretary, Youth league); Sayed Golap Ali (member, East London); Mahbub Ahmed (vice-president, youth league); and Shaek Ahmed (human rights affairs secretary, London branch)

UK AL leaders/activists outside the Tulip Siddiq election campaign office including, amongst others Syed Shazidur Rahman Faruk (GeneralSecretary); Anwaruzzaman Chowdhury (joint general secretary); ASM Misbah Sadath (industry and commerce secretary); Shah Shamim Ahmed (office secretary); Syed Suruk Miah (religion affairs secretary); Mahmud Ali (organising secretary, youth league); Ahbab Miah (executive member, London branch); and Mohammad Ayas (publicity secretary, youth league)

"Mr Misbah Sadath, the UK Awami League secretary of industry and commerce and my respected uncle Shahjahan Ahmed Shaja uncle and other leaders are campaigning and leafleting for the nomination of Tulip Siddiqi"
Misbah Sadath (industry and commerce secretary) and Shahjahan Ahmed Shajah (advisor, Sheikh Rasel children union) distributing leaflets, obtained from Tulip's campaign office, with other UK AL activists

UK AL Leaders/activists on opposite side of the road to Tulip Siddiq's election campaign office including ASM Misbah Sadath (industry and commerce secretary); Shah Shamim Ahmed (office secretary) and Mahmud Ali (Organising Secretary, Youth League)
UK AL leaders/activists distributing labour party leaflets including MA Rohim (vice-president); Abdul Ahad Chowdhury (organising secretary); Syed Suruk Miah (religion affairs secretary); Raju Montar (vice president, youth league); and MA Motin (founder president, Camden Branch).

UK AL leaders/activists congregating on opposite side of road to Tulip Siddiq's election campaign office including: Sultan Mahmud Sharif (president); Syed Shazidur Rahman Faruk (general secretary); Jalal Uddin (vice-president); MA Rohim (vice-president); Shah Shamim Ahmed (office secretary); ASM Misbah Sadath (industry and commerce secretary); Jamal Khan (joint general secretary, youth league; Sarwar Kabir (vice-president, student League); Muhibuddin Chowdhury (joint convenor, farmers league) and Shahjahan Ahmed Shajah (advisor, Sheikh Rasel children union).

Translated text: "Working for the labour party campaign in the UK are Mr Misbah Sadath, the Awami League secretary of industry and commerce and my respected leader brother Shahjahan Ahmed Shaja, the advisor and activist for the UK Sheikh Russel Child and Adolescent Centre, also are present the senior leaders of the UK Awami League"

November 30th

AL UK leaders and activists outside Tulip Siddiq's campaign office including ASM Misbah Sadath (industry and commerce secretary); Mahmud Ali (organising secretary, youth league); Azrof Ali Noor (president, UK fisheries league); Akif Khan (vice-president, volunteer league); Abdul Hanan (secretariat member); and Shahjahan Ahmed Shajah (advisor, Sheikh Rasel children union).
Main UK Committee
Sultan Mahmud Sharif (President);
Syed Shazidur Rahman Faruk (General Secretary);
Harmuz Ali (Vice-president);
Jalal Uddin (Vice-President);
MA Rohim (Vice-President)
Anwaruzzaman Chowdhury (Joint General Secretary);
Noim Uddin Riaz (Joint General Secretary)
Maruf Chowdhury (joint general Secretary);
Ahad Chowdhury (Organising Secretary)
Ansarul Huq (Expatriate Welfare Affairs secretary)
Khasruzzaman Khasru (Education and Human Resources Affairs Secretary);
ASM Misbah Sadath, (Industry and Commerce affairs Secretary);
Syed Suruk Mia (Religion Affairs Secretary);
Shah Shamin Ahmed (Office Secretary),
Sharob Ali (Human Rights Secretary);
Tarif Ahmed (Youth and Sports affairs Secretary);
Habibur Rahman (Relief and social welfare affairs Secretary)
Shakur Molik Wadud (Executive member)
London Branch
Abdul Hanan (Secretariat member);
Golam Kibria (Vice-President, London branch);
Selim Ahmed Chowdhury (Organising Secretary, London Branch);
Ahbab Miah (Executive member, London branch);
Aminul Islam Jillu (International Secretary, London branch);
Fakhar Kamal (Executive committee member, London branch)
Shaek Ahmed (Human Rights Affairs Secretary, London branch)
Moynul Haque (Vice-President, London branch)
Moinul Huq (Vice-President, London Branch)
Shahjahan Ahmed Shajah ((Adviser, Sheikh Rasel Shishu Kishore Porishad UK)
Youth League
Fakhrul Islam Modhu (President, Youth league)
Selim Ahmed Khan (Secretary, Youth League)
Mahbub Ahmed (Vice-President, Youth league);
Raju Montar (Vice President, Youth League);
Nazmul Islam (Vice-President, Youth League)
Jamal Khan (Joint General Secretary, Youth Wing);
Delwar Hossain Liton (Joint General Secretary, Youth League);
Jubayer Ahmed (Joint General Secretary, Youth league)
Bodruzzaman Shamim (Vice-President, Youth Wing);
Afzol Hossain (Vice-President, Youth League)
Babul Khan (Organising Secretary, Youth League),
Abul Lais (Organising Secretary, Youth League);
Mahmud Ali (Organising Secretary, Youth League);
Shuhel Ahmed (UK Youth League)
Tareq Ahmed (London Youth league President)
Shumon Ahmed (Secretary, Youth League London Branch) – instead of Foysal
Foyzur Rahman Foyaz (Joint Secretary, Youth League)
Mohammad Ayas (Publicity secretary, UK Youth League)
Alam (UK Youth League);
Volunteer League
Nurul Islam (Vice-President, Volunteer league);
Akif Khan (Vice-President, Volunteer league);
Forhad Ahmed (Vice-President, Volunteer League);
Jhalak Paul (joint secretary, Volunteer league)
Kamrul Hossain Munna (Joint Secretary, UK Volunteer league);
Farmers League
Sayed Tareq Ahmed (Convenor, Farmers League);
Muhid Uddin Chowdhury (Joint Convenor, Farmers League)
Fisheries League
Azrof Ali Noor (President, UK Fisheries League)
Labour League
Anwarul Islam (Joint Convenor, Labour League);
Woman’s league
Muslima Shams Boni (Secretary, Women's youth league)
Josna Bibi (Youth Womens league)
Mrs Rohim (women's league)
Camden Branch
Golam Jilani (Camden branch);
MA Motin (Founder president, Camden Branch);
Mahmud (Camden branch)
West London Branch
Misbah Rahman (Organising Secretary, West London Branch);
Student League
Sarwar Kabir (Vice-President, Student League);
East London Branch
Sayed Golap Ali (East London, member);
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